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API Reference

Arguments Files - addPinItemRule

datesRequiredDates!The required dates for the rule. Example of use: dates: { start: "2024-09-01", end: "2024-10-01" }
descriptionStringA textual description of the rule
nameString!The name of the rule. Example of use: name: "All Inclusive"
offers[ID!]!List of offer IDs related to the rule. Example of use: offers: [1, 2, 3]
statusRuleStatus!The status of the rule (draft/active/inactive). Example of use: status: draft
triggersTriggers!The triggers that activate the rule. Example of use: triggers: { filters: { FilterName: value}, "query": {"query": String, "matcher": "contains" / "equals" } }

Arguments Files - deletePinItemRule

idID!The rule id. Example of use : id: 3

Arguments Files - updatePinItemRule

datesOptionalDatesThe optional dates for the rule. Example of use: dates: { start: "2024-09-01", end: "2024-10-01" }
descriptionStringA textual description of the rule. Example of use: "description": "A rule that moves offer IDs 1, 2, and 3 higher in the results after entering the 'All inclusive' query."
idID!The unique identifier for the rule.
nameStringThe name of the rule. Example of use: name: "All Inclusive"
offers[ID!]List of offer IDs related to the rule. Example of use: offers: [1, 2, 3]
statusRuleStatusThe status of the rule (draft/active/inactive). Example of use: status: draft
triggersTriggersThe triggers that activate the rule. Example of use: triggers: { filters: { FilterName: value}, "query": {"query": String, "matcher": "contains" / "equals" } }