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Features of Qtravel Dashboard

Qtravel Search is a powerful tool for analyzing user behavior and managing the search process. It helps improve the experience of tourists using the search engine on a website.

Search Analysis

Number of searches: Analyzing the number of searches helps understand search trends and adapt vacation offerings to current customer needs.

Popular searches: Discovering the most frequently searched phrases allows for tailoring marketing campaigns to user preferences.

Most popular filters: Understanding which filters users apply most often helps optimize the search process.

Most popular filter values: Information about preferred filter options enables improvement of vacation offerings in line with customer expectations.

Searches without results: Identifying areas where there are no matching offers allows for expanding the offering and better meeting customer needs.

Search Monitoring

Search Performance: Monitoring search engine response time and query volume ensures optimal performance for users.

Query Analysis: Tracking what queries users enter over different time periods allows for a better understanding of their needs.

Keyword Analysis: Monitoring keywords used by users helps tailor the offering to their searches.

Check how it works

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